ideal flooring for households with children

ideal flooring for households with children

Without question, households with kids see a lot of action and heavy traffic on floor spaces. However, whether your children are barely out of the crib or active high school students, selecting a family-friendly floor that can handle wear and tear will likely save you long-term dollars.

How to select a family-friendly floor

Selecting a kid-friendly flooring solution goes beyond simply maintaining a quality floor exposed to high traffic and wear and tear. Depending upon your child’s circumstances, certain flooring solutions can help reduce accidents and allergies, minimizing the time you spend worrying over your child’s safety.

Your floor should be tough and easy to clean

Browse flooring options that are easy to maintain and can handle everything from dropped toys to unsteady toddlers who need the safest possible surface in case of a fall. The ideal floor should also be up to the wear and tear of heavy traffic, spills and other kinds of messes.

Slip-resistant floor is great when you have kids

Flooring solutions such as carpet, foam, and rubber are ideal slip-resistant surfaces for kids. On top of reducing the changes of falls, non-slip flooring provides a comfortable surface that the entire family can enjoy, and you can install non-slip flooring just about anywhere in the home. It is particularly ideal for rooms where children spend most of their time; the bedrooms, playrooms and kitchen.

There’s no need to sacrifice style for safety

Keep in mind that there is no need to worry about giving up a unique design! Most flooring solutions that are considered “slip resistant” come in a wide variety of designs and colors, allowing you to easily match them to your home’s decor.